Radical islamist network spreading in Balkans

A couple of small news from Bosnia this weekend are describing one aspect about frontlines in Balkans:

  • Bosnian Muslim intelligence agency OSA has confirmed that it is on a hunt for two Islamic terrorists after German security agency informed them that they are preparing a terror attack. German media has reported, based on police intelligence, that Erik Brayninger and Hussein al Mali have been trained in suicide attack strategies in Afghanistan and are planning a terror attack on Germany from a Bosnian town of Zenica. Bosnian town of Zenica has a vast domestic islamist network with its own airport through which Jihadists came into Bosnia during the 1990s (Serbianna 27.8.2008)
  • Two days earlier Gays at the festival were attacked by a group of young Muslims and most of them were dressed up as the Wahhabis. Over 10 people have been injured because they were beaten by the Wahhabis (Serbianna 25.8.2008)

Radical Islam has enforced and widened their activities in Balkans last 15 years.  During Bosnian war many foreign islamists came to fight in mujahedeen brigade also many Al Quida figures – including Osama bin Laden – were supporting Bosnan Muslims 1990’s.  Later the gave their support to KLA/UCK (Kosovo) which leaders now are leading Kosovo province based US and EU support.

After bombing campaign 1999 radical Islam has been one major donor in Kosovo and Wahhabi schools and former secularized Kosovo Muslims are displaced by radical Islamic movement.

While supporting Albanian Kosovo US and EU are securing a safe haven both to islamic terrorists and leading heroin cartel to say nothing of smaller threads.  This shortsighted policy should be reconsidered once again.

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9 Responses to Radical islamist network spreading in Balkans

  1. dr. adhamudhi says:

    For somebody who likes counter-punch you sure make FOX like connections between Muslim nation, must be automatically tied to other Muslim regions (for Muslims think only through religious dogmas, not rational politics), and this in turn must be tied to terrorism, for when was the last time that Muslims got together but to promote terrorism. It is really bad that USA EU is ignoring this Trojan Horse; while we sleep they will awake and our beds will soon be burning.

    • Nellie says:

      Sure, all the Muslims responding to this factual information will lie and deny. That’s exactly what the Koran is instructing them to do–lie to unbelievers. Lie for Islam, kill for Islam, squeal like slaughtered pigs about how “persecuted” Muslims are. Disgusting! But fortunately, the civilized people in the world are aware of the Muslim lies and deceit. We were fooled once, the shame is on the Islamists. If we get fooled a second time, the shame is on us. Islam is EVIL! it must be exterminated. At the very least, it must be contained.

  2. simple forum minder says:

    Ari, it is an accepted fact in D.C., London, Paris, Berlin and Rome that the only radical and fanatical religious force in the Balkans emanates from your dear Servia my friend.

    If i were you, i would spend more time working on a movement to implement a separation of church & state in in Servia. Imagine that in 2008, your nation is so backwards that you still allow ignoramus militant clerics like Artemije and others to enter the halls of power (however absurd “halls of power” is to imagine in Servia) and influence elected politicians on matters from infrastructure development to foreign policy.

    The lack of self-reflection and auto-critique is the primary factor in the downfall of your culture. For as long as you do not push for more social progress and the transcendence of medieval puppet masters, you will never get off the dime and you will continue to hide behind your pipe and your many pipe dreams.

    • nellie says:

      “Ari, it is an accepted fact in D.C., London, Paris, Berlin and Rome that the only radical and fanatical religious force in the Balkans emanates from your dear Servia my friend.”

      This response is dripping in Muslim swamp slime. Examine your motives, you Muslim apologist!

  3. New friend of Milan says:

    Ari loves to begin his articles with the following “In my previous article, I said…”

    That pipe is getting old brother, time to get a new look, one that at least places you in the 21st century, since your look and your views place you somewhere between 1689 and 1979.

  4. emina says:

    I am sorry, but it is trully rediculous how you connect inconnectable issues. Persons before me have already mentioned some of them, so therefore I believe that there is no need for me to anoy with listing them again.
    Yet, I am curious about the following: -Planning a terror attack on Germany from a Bosnian town of Zenica (where do u get such information from, can you give us sources?), -Zenica has a vast domestic islamist network with its own airport through which Jihadists came into Bosnia (this one is the best, where does such airport exist, please, sources again?!), -Dressed up as the Wahhabis? (what does this even mean?). It is unbelieveble how illiterate and uninformed you present yourself in this text.

    • nellie says:


      ” I am sorry, but it is trully rediculous how you connect inconnectable issues. Persons before me have already mentioned some of them, so therefore I believe that there is no need for me to anoy with listing them again.
      Yet, I am curious about the following: -Planning a terror attack on Germany from a Bosnian town of Zenica (where do u get such information from, can you give us sources?), -Zenica has a vast domestic islamist network with its own airport through which Jihadists came into Bosnia (this one is the best, where does such airport exist, please, sources again?!), -Dressed up as the Wahhabis? (what does this even mean?). It is unbelieveble how illiterate and uninformed you present yourself in this text.”

      HAHAHAHA! The illiterate and ignorant is calling Ari illiterate! it is to laugh! Learn how to spell before you call other people illiterate, you Muslim imbecile!

  5. arirusila says:

    To emina:

    Mujaheedin training camp was established probably April 1993 in Zenica. Location was logistically good because the airport is locacted 7.7 km from city center.

    About the arrival of mujaheedin fighters: Some of them came through Croatia but also using airport because they were foreigners. Bosnian army even made comparisons about mujaheedins fighting capacity depending their origin. E.g. ARBiH memoranda suggest that the Bosnian Muslim military “regarded mujahideen arriving from Afghanistan and the Middle East as potentially useful, but reserved a much more skeptical attitude towards some of their idealistic and irreverent young comrades who hailed from various capitals of Western Europe.” (Source: “Review of the Information on Activities of the Persons from Afro-Asian Countries Directly Before the War and During the War in the Territory of BIH Republic.” Report written by the BIH Administration of the Military Security Service– Department for Analytical and Informative Affairs.” Sarajevo; May 6, 1995.)

    Also the Iranian Intelligence Service after the war in BIH are shown in the area of entire BIH, especially in FBIH, more exactly in Sarajevo, Konjic, Mostar, Zenica, Bihac and Tuzla.

    Bosnia has been safe haven for terrorist actions also before, here few examples fro 2001 reports (source The Seattle Times – http://community.seattletimes.nwsource.com/archive/?date=20011015&slug=bosnia15):

    “In several instances, terrorists with links to Bosnia have launched actions against Western targets:

    • An Algerian with Bosnian citizenship, described by one U.S. official as “a junior Osama bin Laden,” tried to help smuggle explosives in 1998 to an Egyptian terrorist group plotting to destroy U.S. military installations in Germany.

    • Another North African with Bosnian citizenship belonged to a terrorist cell in Montreal that conspired in the failed millennium plot to bomb Los Angeles International Airport.

    • One of bin Laden’s top lieutenants — a Palestinian linked to major terrorist plots in Jordan, France and the United States — had operatives in Bosnia and was issued a Bosnian passport, according to U.S. officials.

    After the foiled plot against U.S. bases in Germany, the United States suspended without public explanation a military-aid program to Bosnia in 1999 in an attempt to force the deportation of the Algerian leader of the group, Abdelkader Mokhtari, also known as Abu el Maali.”

    More material e.g. about connections between Al-Qaeda/Talebans and Bosnian Muslims see for example:
    International Crisis Group Report, The Bin Laden and the Balkans: The Politics of Anti-Terrorism.
    Woehrel, Islamic Terrorism and the Balkans, CRS Report for Congress RL33012, 2005, at p. 5. Available
    online at: http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/terror/RL33012.pdf.

    About your question what does mean dressed up as the Wahhabis you may try google search with wahhabis+dresscode and few hits from thousands may give you picture.

  6. […] Wahhabi schools and former secularized Kosovo Muslims are displaced by radical Islamic movement. ( Radical islamist network spreading in Balkans […]